Cube 5.0 "Basic" plus "LoRa"

Cube 5.0 is a multi-sensor rapid IoT development device with NB-IoT, Cat-M1, and 868 MHz radio featuring LoRa technology.
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€ 308,00

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The Cube 5.0 is a multi-sensor rapid IoT development device with NB-IoT, Cat-M1, and 868 MHz radio featuring LoRa technology. The Cube is fully Arduino compatible and open-source platform for both hobbyist and professionals. Additional radio wall featuring LoRa technology allows for wireless 868 MHz LoRa connectivity, both private LoRa and LoRaWAN. Cube 5.0 is intended for creating various use cases, demonstrate IoT capabilities and help with the development of IoT products. It can also be useful in cloud integration, testing & verification.
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